Tiny Tortilla

Tiny Tortilla

Arlene Williams

Heas korras kõvade kaantega värviliste illustratsioonidega ingliskeelne lasteraamat. 32 lk.

Juan Carlos is dreaming of a hot, tasty tortilla for lunch, but the old tortilla maker in the plaza has sold them all. She has only a scrap of dough left—and it is muy pequeña. She tells Juan Carlos she must pat the dough and sing:

"Palma-palma-palmadita palma-palma-palmadita."

When the dough is light and thin, he must give it three more pats: uno, dos, tres. And he must NOT take a bite until it is done. It is very hard to wait, but Juan Carlos soon learns all that a tiny tortilla can be.

This original tale of unexpected magic is as refreshing as rain in the desert. With a read-aloud text and whimsical pictures, with Southwestern folk art, this is a satisfying book about how the ordinary can turn into the extraordinary.

Hind: 22.00 EUR /6.60 EUR

Tekst valgusesaar.comArray ( [0] => Array ( [lng_id] => 0 [lng_ord] => 0 [short_name] => GLOB [lng_name] => Globaalne ) [1] => Array ( [lng_id] => 1 [lng_ord] => 0 [short_name] => EST [lng_name] => Eesti ) [2] => Array ( [lng_id] => 2 [lng_ord] => 0 [short_name] => ENG [lng_name] => Inglise ) )